Technical Reports
- V-1296:
Lukšan, Ladislav. Numerické optimalizační metody.
ICS CAS, 2024
- V-1295:
Černý, David, Trčka, M., Kolaříková, L., Hvorecký, J., Pelikán, Emil, Hříbek, T., Novotný, D., Wiedermann, Jiří. Etika AI: Přehled současné debaty v kontextu energetiky.
ICS CAS, 2023
- V-1294:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Introduction to statistical inference based on scalar-valued scores.
ICS CAS, 2022
- V-1293:
Fabián, Zdeněk. A New Look to Information and Uncertainty of Continuous Distributions.
ICS CAS, 2022
- V-1292:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Score correlation for skewed distributions.
ICS CAS, 2022
- V-1291:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Scalar-Valued Score Functions and their use in Parametric Estimation.
ICS CAS, 2022
- V-1290:
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. Some modi?cations of the limited-memory variable metric optimization methods.
ICS CAS, 2023
- V-1289:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Tůma, M., Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan, Ramešová, Nina, Šiška, M., Hartman, J.. UFO 2024: Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization.
ICS CAS, 2024
- V-1288:
Jiříček, Stanislav, Koudelka, V., Mantini, D., Mareček, R., Hlinka, Jaroslav. Spatio-Spectral EEG Patterns in the Source-Reconstructed Space and Relation to Resting-State Networks: An EEG-fMRI Study.
ICS CAS, 2022
- V-1287:
Fabián, Zdeněk. A Measure of Variability WIthin Parametric Families of Continuous Distributions.
ICS CAS, 2022
- V-1286:
Keikha, Vahideh. Large Perimeter Objects Surrounded by a 1.5D Terrain.
ICS CAS, 2022
- V-1285:
Jiřina, Marcel. Nearly All Reals Can Be Sorted with Linear Time Complexity.
ICS CAS, 2021
- V-1284:
Turčičová, Marie, Mandel, J., Eben, Kryštof. Score matching filters for Gaussian Markov random fields with a linear model of the precision matrix.
ICS CAS, 2021
- V-1283:
Keikha, Vahideh. Linear-time Algorithms for Largest Inscribed Quadrilateral.
ICS CAS, 2020
- V-1280:
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. Two limited-memory optimization methods with minimum violation of the previous quasi-Newton equations.
ICS CAS, 2020
- V-1279:
Húsek, Dušan, Frolov, A. A., Kerechanin, J. V., Bobrov, P.D.. Assessment of Independent EEG Components Obtained by Different Methods for BCI Based on Motor Imagery.
ICS CAS, 2021
- V-1277:
Rohn, Jiří. The Equation |x| - |Ax| = b.
ICS CAS, 2020
- V-1276:
Rohn, Jiří. Globální implicitní funkce.
ICS CAS, 2020
- V-1275:
Šebesta, Václav. Jak jsme (z)řídili ústav aneb Od Centrálního výpočetního střediska ČSAV k Ústavu informatiky AV ČR.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1272:
Jiřina, Marcel. Sort Program for Real Keys with Linear Time Complexity.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1271:
Rohn, Jiří. Generalization of a Theorem on Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1270:
Žák, Stanislav. A Logical Characteristic of Read-Once Branching Programs.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1269:
Rohn, Jiří. Rozhodování za neurčitosti: Pohled matematika na plánované hospodářství.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1268:
Rohn, Jiří. Does a Singular Symmetric Interval Matrix Contain a Symmetric Singular Matrix?.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1266:
Rohn, Jiří. Absolute Value Mapping.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1265:
Rohn, Jiří. Overdetermined Absolute Value Equations.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1264:
Fabián, Zdeněk. The scalar-valued score functions of continuous probability distribution.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1263:
Křen, Tomáš. Transforming hierarchical images to program expressions using deep networks.
ICS CAS, 2018
- V-1261:
Novák, Jakub, Jiřina, M., Benešová, Michaela. Popis TDD modelu verze 3.9.
ICS CAS, 2018
- V-1260:
Novák, Jakub, Jiřina, M., Benešová, Michaela. Stav předaných dat a úprava rozdělení vybraných měření 2018.
ICS CAS, 2018
- V-1259:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan. Problems for Nonlinear Least Squares and Nonlinear Equations.
ICS CAS, 2018
- V-1258:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan. Sparse Test Problems for Nonlinear Least Squares.
ICS CAS, 2018
- V-1257:
Resler, Jaroslav, Geletič, Jan, Krč, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof. Detailní simulace proudění, teplot a znečištění vzduchu pro oblast Praha-Dejvice.
ICS CAS, 2018
- V-1256:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina, Šírová, Tereza. Soupis publikovaých prací pana prof. Ing. Mirko Nováka, DrSc. zpracovaný ke dni 13. dubna 2018 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. s ohledem na dostupnost uvedených prací.
ICS AS CR, 2018
- V-1255:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan. Numerical solution of generalized minimax problems.
ICS CAS, 2018
- V-1254:
Novák, Jakub, Jiřina jr., M., Benešová, Michaela. Popis TDD modelu verze 3.8..
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1253:
Jiřina, Marcel. The IINC System under the ROOT Environment.
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1252:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Tůma, Miroslav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan, Ramešová, Nina, Šiška, M., Hartman, J.. UFO 2017. Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization.
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1251:
Porubský, Štefan. Application and Misapplication of the Czechoslovak STP Cipher During WWII - Report on an Unpublished Manuscript.
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1250:
Haniková, Zuzana. Blind proxy voting.
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1249:
Novák, Jakub, Jiřina jr., M., Benešová, Michaela. Stav předaných dat a úprava rozdělení vybraných měření 2017.
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1248:
Porubský, Štefan. Idempotents, Group Membership and their Applications.
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1247:
Porubský, Štefan. Semigroup Structure of Sets of Solutions to Equation X^s = X^m.
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1246:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan. Hybrid Methods for Nonlinear Least Squares Problems.
ICS CAS, 2019
- V-1245:
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. A limited-memory optimization method using the infinitely many times repeated BNS update and conjugate directions.
ICS CAS, 2018
- V-1244:
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. Properties of the block BFGS update and its application to the limited-memory block BNS method for unconstrained minimization.
ICS CAS, 2017
- V-1243:
Suzuki, Tomoyuki. On Nominal Automata as Models of Java-like Object-Oriented Programs.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1242:
Kalina, Jan, Peštová, Barbora. On Exact Heteroscedasticity Testing for Robust Regression.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1241:
Kalina, Jan, Hlinka, Jaroslav. Robust Regularized Discriminant Analysis Based on Implicit Weighting.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1240:
Chytil, Michal, Novák, J., Jiřina jr., M., Benešová, M.. Popis TDD modelu verze 3.71.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1239:
Rohn, Jiří. Interval Matrices: Regularity Yields Singularity.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1238:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Real-valued Score Function, New Description of Continuous Random Variables and the Central Limit Theorem.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1237:
Šíma, Jiří. Neural Networks Between Integer and Rational Weights.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1236:
Šíma, Jiří, Savický, Petr. Cut Languages in Rational Bases.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1235:
Rohn, Jiří. Report on the Last Work by Dr. Erich Nuding.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1234:
Chytil, Michal, Novák, J., Jiřina jr., M., Benešová, M.. Stav předaných dat a úprava rozdělení vybraných měření 2016.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1233:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Vlček, Jan. New Quasi-Newton Method for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1232:
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. A Block Version of the BNS Limited-Memory Variable Metric Method for Unconstrained Minimization.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1231:
Wiedermann, Jiří. Nondeterministic Computations for Which Space is More Powerful than Time.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1230:
Wiedermann, Jiří. Discerning Two Words by a Minimum Size Automaton.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1229:
Drabinová, Adéla, Martinková, Patrícia. Detection of Differential Item Functioning with Non-Linear Regression: Non-IRT Approach Accounting for Guessing.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1228:
Turčičová, Marie, Mandel, Jan, Eben, Kryštof. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Diagonal Covariance Matrix.
ICS CAS, 2016
- V-1227:
Hakl, František. Probabilistic learning model PAC - lecture notes.
ICS CAS, 2015
- V-1226:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina, Šírová, Tereza. Soupis publikovaných prací pana doc. Ing. Václava Šebesty, DrSc., zpracovaný v říjnu 2015 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. k příležitosti 70. narozenin autora.
ICS AS CR, 2015
- V-1225:
Jiřina, Marcel. IINC Software.
ICS AS CR, 2015
- V-1224:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina, Šírová, Tereza. Soupis publikovaných prací pana doc. RNDr. Ivana Kramosila, DrSc., zpracovaný ke dni 29. května 2015 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i..
ICS AS CR, 2015
- V-1222:
Jiřina, Marcel. The Distribution Mapping Functions.
ICS AS CR, 2015
- V-1220:
Řezanková, Hana, Húsek, Dušan. Measures for Classification Results Evaluation.
ICS AS CR, 2015
- V-1219:
Coufal, David, Hlinka, Jaroslav. Causation Entropy Principle and Bayesian Inference to Causal Networks.
ICS AS CR, 2015
- LINE-2024:
Brabec, Marek, Juruš, Pavel, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Šrotýř, M., Turčičová, Marie. Souhrnná zpráva projektu LINE za rok 2024.
ICS CAS, 2023
- LINE-2023:
Brabec, Marek, Juruš, Pavel, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Šrotýř, M., Turčičová, Marie. Souhrnná zpráva projektu LINE za rok 2023.
ICS CAS, 2023
- egusphere-2024-1222:
Bauerová, P., Keder, J., Šindelářová, A., Vlček, O., Pati?o, W., Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Geletič, Jan, Řezníček, Hynek, Bureš, Martin, Eben, Kryštof, Belda, M., Radović, J., Fuka, V., Jareš, R., Ezau, I.. Measurement report: TURBAN observation campaign combining street-level low-cost air quality sensors and meteorological profile measurements in Prague.
EGU, 2024
- 4822006:
Pati?o, W., Vlček, O., Bauerová, P., Belda, M., Bureš, M., Eben, Kryštof, Fuka, V., Geletič, Jan, Jareš, R., Karel, J., Keder, J., Krč, Pavel, Radović, J., Řezníček, Hynek, Šindelářová, A., Resler, Jaroslav. On the Suitability of Dispersion Models of Varying Degree of Complexity for Air Quality Assessment and Urban Planning.
Social Science Research Network, 2024
- 2024-1231:
Resler, Jaroslav, Bauerová, P., Belda, M., Bureš, Martin, Eben, Kryštof, Fuka, V., Geletič, Jan, Jareš, R., Karel, J., Keder, J., Krč, Pavel, Pati?o, W., Radović, J., Řezníček, Hynek, Sühring, M., Šindelářová, A., Vlček, O.. Challenges of high-fidelity air quality modeling in urban environments – PALM sensitivity study during stable conditions.
Europen Geosciences Union, 2024
- 11093034:
Geletič, Jan, Bauerová, P., Belda, M., Bureš, Martin, Eben, Kryštof, Fuka, V., Jareš, R., Karel, J., Keder, J., Krč, Pavel, Pati?o, W., Radović, J., Resler, Jaroslav, Řezníček, Hynek, Šindelářová, A., Vlček, O.. Interpretative output for public authorities for Prague (TURBAN-D08).
Zenodo, 2024
- 4763050:
Dimai, M., Brabec, Marek. A Bayesian Model for Age at Death with Cohort Effects.
Social Science Research Network, 2024
- UU-PCS-2024-01:
Wiedermann, Jiří, van Leeuwen, J.. Artificial Intelligence as a Pathway to Our Future.
Utrecht University, 2024
- UU-PCS-2023-01:
Wiedermann, Jiří, van Leeuwen, J.. From Knowledge to Wisdom: The Power of Large Language Models in AI.
Utrecht University, 2023
- SS02030031-V95:
Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Malá, Ivana. DC 5.3 Odhady kovariancí odhadnutého pole koncentrací.
ICS CAS, 2023
- :
Harikrishnan, N. B., Kathpalia, Aditi, Nagaraj, N.. Causality Preserving Chaotic Transformation and Classification using Neurochaos Learning., 2022
- PR-1:
Geletič, Jan, Lehnert, M.. Tisková zpráva - měření tepelného komfortu.
ICS CAS, 2022
- 2021.05.13.21257139:
Berec, Luděk, Diviák, T., Kuběna, Aleš Antonín, Levínský, René, Neruda, Roman, Suchopárová, Gabriela, Šlerka, J., Šmíd, Martin, Trnka, Jan, Tuček, V., Vidnerová, Petra, Zajíček, Milan, Zapletal, František. Model-M: An agent-based epidemic model of a middle-sized municipality.
, 2022
- ENV/2021/118018 / SS02030031-V94:
Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Malá, I., Hladká, Adéla. DC 5.3 Základní statistický model velkého měřítka.
ICS CAS, 2021
- gmd-2020-94:
Salim, M., Schubert, S., Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Maronga, B., Kanani-Sühring, F., Sühring, M., Schneider, Ch.. Importance of radiative transfer processes in urban climate models: A study based on the PALM model system 6.0.
EGU, 2021
- gmd-2020-126:
Belda, M., Resler, Jaroslav, Geletič, Jan, Krč, Pavel, Maronga, B., Sühring, M., Kurppa, M., Kanani-Sühring, F., Fuka, V., Eben, Kryštof, Benešová, N., Auvinen, M.. Sensitivity analysis of the PALM model system 6.0 in the urban environment.
European Geosciences Union, 2020
- gmd-2020-168:
Krč, Pavel, Resler, Jaroslav, Sühring, M., Schubert, S., Salim, M., Fuka, V.. Radiative Transfer Model 3.0 integrated into the PALM model system 6.0.
European Geosciences Union, 2021
- 2021.02.18.431886:
Cakan, C., Jajcay, Nikola, Obermayer, K.. neurolib: a simulation framework for whole-brain neural mass modeling.
, 2021
- 2021.08.29.458101:
Jajcay, Nikola, Cakan, C., Obermayer, K.. Cross-frequency slow oscillation–spindle coupling in a biophysically realistic thalamocortical neural mass model.
, 2021
- :
Svítek, M., Přibyl, O., Vorel, J., Garlík, B., Resler, Jaroslav, Kozhevnikov, S., Krč, Pavel, Geletič, Jan, Daniel, Milan, Dostál, R., Janča, T., Myška, V., Aralkina, O., Pereira, A. M.. City simulation software for modeling, planning, and strategic assessment of territorial city units.
CTU & ICS CAS, 2021
- UU-PCS-2021-01:
Wiedermann, Jiří, van Leeuwen, J.. Autonomous Vehicles that Cooperate and Understand.
Utrecht University, 2021
- 2020.12.02.407965:
Perez-Cervera, Alberto, Hlinka, Jaroslav. Perturbations both trigger and delay seizures due to generic properties of slow-fast relaxation oscillators.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2020
- UU-PCS-2020-02:
Wiedermann, Jiří, van Leeuwen, J.. Towards minimally conscious cyber-physical systems - A design philosophy.
Utrecht University, 2020
- UU-PCS-2020-01:
Wiedermann, Jiří, van Leeuwen, J.. Towards minimally conscious finite-state controlled cyber-physical systems - A manifesto.
Utrecht University, 2020
- 2019.12.19.876508:
Pidnebesna, Anna, Fajnerová, I., Horáček, J., Hlinka, Jaroslav. Estimating Sparse Neuronal Signal from Hemodynamic Response: the Mixture Components Inference Approach.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2019
- gmd-2020-175:
Resler, Jaroslav, Eben, Kryštof, Geletič, Jan, Krč, Pavel, Rosecký, Martin, Sühring, M., Belda, M., Fuka, V., Halenka, T., Huszár, P., Karlický, J., Benešová, N., Ďoubalová, J., Honzáková, K., Keder, J., Nápravníková, Š., Vlček, O.. Validation of the PALM model system 6.0 in real urban environment: case study of Prague-Dejvice, Czech Republic.
European Geosciences Union, 2021
- UU-CS-2019-012:
van Leeuwen, J., Wiedermann, Jiří. Understanding Computation. A General Theory of Computational Processes.
Utrecht University, 2019
- gmd-2019-287:
Zhao, S., Russell, M., Hakami, A., Turner, D., Henze, D., Percell, P., Resler, Jaroslav, Shen, H., Russel, A., Nenes, A., Pappin, A., Napelenok, S., Bash, J., Fahey, K., Carmichael, G., Stanier, O., Chai, T.. A Multiphase CMAQ Version 5.0 Adjoint.
EGU, 2019
- TR19-150:
Žák, Stanislav. A Logical Characteristic of Read-Once Branching Programs.
, 2019
- :
Šanda, Pavel, Malerba, P., Jiang, X., Krishnan, G. P., Cash, S., Halgren, E., Bazhenov, M.. Interaction of Hippocampal Ripples and Cortical Slow Waves Leads to Coordinated Large-Scale Sleep Rhythm., 2019
- :
Lorencová, Eliška, Emmer, Adam, Geletič, Jan, Vačkář, David. Analýza zranitelnosti hl.m. Prahy vůči dopadům změny klimatu.
Hlavní město Praha, 2017
- LSS 433/15:
Bouchner, P., Jiřina, Marcel, Novák, Mirko, Novotný, S., Poláček, I.. Analýza výskytu a příčin nebezpečných situací na vozovkách.
- UU-CS-2016-007:
van Leeuwen, J., Wiedermann, Jiří. Question Answering and Cognitive Automata with Background Intelligence.
Utrecht University, 2016
- WP #2015?7:
Martinková, Patrícia, Goldhaber, D.. Improving Teacher Selection: The Effect of Inter-Rater Reliability in the Screening Process.
CEDR University of Washington Bothell, 2015
- TR15-029:
Žák, Stanislav. Inherent Logic and Complexity.
, 2015