RNDr. Petra Vidnerová, Ph.D.


Department: Department of Artificial Intelligence
Phone: +420 266 05 3630
Email: (email)

Full curriculum vitae (pdf).


since 2001 scientist (postdoc, research assistent) at Institute of Computer Science, The Czech Academy of Sciences.


2007PhD in Theoretical Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague.
2003RNDr. in Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague.
2001Mgr. in Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague.


  • Best paper award, conference ITAT, Slovakia, 2017.

Academic stays abroad

2005 3 months

Community Service

  • member of conference programme commitee: AIAI 2016, AIAI 2018-201, EANN 2015-2019, EML GECCO 2016-2019, IJCNN 2017, IJCNN 2019, ICANN 2018, ITAT 2009
  • rewiewing for scientific journals: Neural Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Computing and Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computations, Neural Networks, Natural Computing, Analytical Letters, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Computer Science Review, IEEE Sensors Journal